
dispatched mutual-aid to ovid with a tanker for a reported structure fire,421 responded w/6 men

dispatched 12:43/enroute 12:43/on scene 13:07/back in service 13:14


tanker dispatched mutual-aid to interlaken for a structure fire,also an engine crew stood by on our floor for varick,10 men

dispatched 06:28/enroute 06:29/back in service 08:59


dispatched mutual-aid to waterloo for a barn fire,402responded to mayberry pond to fill tankers and 421 was in the tanker shuttle,16 men

dispatched 20:06/enroute 20:09/back in service 00:36

CALL#22 {2013}

dispatched mutual-aid to waterloo for a barn fire.402 and 421 responded. 402 setup to draft out of the ponds and supplied seneca falls ladder truck while 421 hauled water in a tanker shuttle.12 men

dispatched21:56/enroute 21:57/back in service 00:24


dispatched mutual-aid to junius for a tanker,tanker was cancelled while enroute,6 men

dispatched 16:29/enroute 16:30/ back in service 16:45


dispatched mutual-aid to varick fast team and tanker for a chimney fire,assigment changed to standby on varicks floor.402&421 responded with 13 men

dispatched 19:42/enroute 19:42/on scene 19:49/back in service 20:00