dispatched to a residence on rt 89 for a report of a co detector going off,462 responded and found it to be a smoke detector due to a power outage,6 men
01/14/15,dispatched 02:47/enroute 02:50/back in service 03:12
dispatched to a residence on rt 89 for a report of a co detector going off,462 responded and found it to be a smoke detector due to a power outage,6 men 01/14/15,dispatched 02:47/enroute 02:50/back in service 03:12 dispatched to a fire alarm on rt 89,no duty,403 responded with 10 men dispatched 17:11/enroute 17:12/on scene 17:19/back in service 17:25 dispatched to a residence on rt 89 for a fire alarm,no duty,6 men dispatched 08:05/enroute 08:06/on scene 08:16/back in service 08:22 dispatched to a residence on rt 89 for an automatic fire alarm,found to be a power outage,462 arrived on scene and confirmed a false trip,403 responded with 9 men dispatched 21:37/enroute 21:38/on scene 21:44/back in service 21:46 dispatched to a residence on rt 89 for an automatic fire alarm activation,found the home owner accidently burned some chicken,403 responded with 10 men dispatched 18:50/enroute 18:51/on scene 18:56/back in service 19:00 Passer-by called in an audible alarm at 4300 Ridge Road in the hamlet of Fayette. Initial units on scene hear no audible alarms & spoke with residents who were in their house the whole time. 403 stood by on apron. 8 men present. Dispatched 14:34 / En Route 14:35 / On Scene 14:36 / In […] Residential fire alarm activation on Rte 89 between Co. Rd. 124 & Fayette-Varick Townline Rd. 463 responded to the scene and found it to be a false trip. 403 responded. 10? men present. Dispatched 20:39 / En Route 20:40 / On Scene 20:45 / In Service 20:49 Mutual aid to Varick for a fire alarm activation at Three Brothers Winery. Cancelled en route. 403 responded. 8 men present. Dispatched 12:43 / En Route 12:46 / On Scene xx:xx / In Service 12:47 Reported furnace fire with heavy smoke in the residence at 4374 Rte 414 in the hamlet of Fayette. Blower motor on fuel oil furnace found to be burnt up with no extension. 402 & 403 responded. 14 men present. Dispatched 23:20 / En Route 23:22 / On Scene 23:25 / In Service 00:26 Fire alarm activation at 4497 Rte 89. Found to be dust from work being done on the home. No duty. 403 responded. 5 men present. Dispatched 12:10 / En Route 12:11 / On Scene 12:23 / In Service 12:25 |
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